Random Act of Kindness Day 2023

17th February 2023

Today is Random Acts of Kindness Day, a day to celebrate and encourage random acts of kindness towards others. At Newton, we believe in spreading love and giving back to our communities, especially our valued owners.

To celebrate this special day, we decided to surprise three of our owners with a heartwarming gesture. We randomly picked three owners from our database and contacted them over the phone to let them know that we were waiving their management fee for a whole year!

Our team was overjoyed to bring smiles to our owners’ faces and to brighten up their weekend. We believe that small acts of kindness can go a long way in making someone’s day, and we hope that this gesture inspires our owners to pay it forward and spread kindness in their own ways.

At Newton, we believe that kindness is a crucial part of our company culture. We always strive to go the extra mile for our clients, whether it’s through personalised service, quick response times, or unexpected gestures of kindness like this one. We hope that our owners feel appreciated and valued, knowing that we are here to support them and provide a service to them so they can continue to love the place they live.

On this Random Acts of Kindness Day, we encourage everyone to spread kindness and positivity wherever they go. Whether it’s a small gesture like a smile or a compliment or a more significant act of generosity, every act of kindness makes a difference in the world. Let’s all do our part in making the world a kinder, more compassionate place.

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